The Facts About a Miscarriage of Justice in Denmark

Denmark - A Case to Answer


Denmark – A Case to Answer

This website is about me and my fight against the injustices which I suffered 40 years ago in Denmark. This injustice was ultimately judged by the European Court of Human Rights in 1989 when Denmark, for the first time since its accession to the European Court of Human Rights more than forty years earlier, was judged to have violated the European Convention on Human Rights.

Denmark had violated the foundation of justice, namely the right to a fair trial set out in Article 6 of the European Convention of Human Rights.

This serious violation and judgement did make great changes to the Danish judicial system as to the appointment of judges. However, it came with great cost to the defendant, me, with deep mental and physical wounds, from long solitary confinement, 55 days hunger strike, and the longest incarceration in Denmark on remand since 1651. Their objective was to quash my spirit and brake my will.

Not one injustice, but two injustices

For me to have suffered one injustice, was terrible, but to have endured two injustices, is dam outright a tragedy, somehow even stupidity. There is an important lesson to be learned.

I have always felt that many victims choose to be a victim and somehow, this must have been my path. One of the most important lessons, one must try to be in charge of one’s destiny – if one can. Always make sure that you will Not become a victim.

The second injustice I should have seen coming helping an ill and alcoholic woman, nearly 90, with a greedy drug-addicted son and grandson. However, when it happened I was struck down by grief and procrastination, as my soulmate had died.

This allowed all these malicious lies, concealed facts, misinformation, and manipulation to get their say. First offering a corrupt policeman, prosecutor, and my enemies an opportunity and in the end a corrupt judge to get their say and in the end, a trial without me, any defense, defense documentation, and witnesses. I never saw the charges, again NOT a fair trial in the land of the Magna Carta.
